Welcome to Kellifornia!!

hosted by DiaryLand.com

2008-08-04-11:24 a.m.

Things are so crazy right now. The house appears to be destroyed, but it's actually organized chaos. We're packing, rearranging furniture, dusting, vacuuming, hanging new blinds, packing, oh! and did i mention? packing! i'm going back and forth between packing up the kids stuff they don't really use, and helping hubby hang blinds in the living room and move the furniture around. remind me to move the entertainment center and vacuum behind it more often, yeah?

the kids are going back and forth in how they're handling all of this. one minute they're super excited, the next they're scared and sad, the next just playing like normal. they do seem to be bonding a bit more, playing together and not fighting so much, so that's good, right? but how can they be normal when the house is such a mess? that's why i'm trying to get their room settled as quickly as possible. that way at least their room can be a calm in the storm.

on another note. i came across a one bedroom apartment on somebody's property for mom up in oregon. she's been staying in a pretty pricey three bedroom for a while, and with her medical bills, etc. it's getting harder to make ends meet. well, i was checking out craigslist (as i'm wont to do), looking to see what it looks like for us when we get there, and i came across this nifty one bedroom apartment with all utilities paid, on a spot of land, pets ok etc. etc. so i called her and gave her the number. i mean, the utilities are included and the rent is $300 less than she's paying now. anywho, she went and checked it out, seems great, landlords are super nice, etc. so we'll see if she's moving soon...

i don't think that last paragraph made ANY sense. 0 comments.

before - after